First Taste: Fun-O Dippy

I know I have not been posting a lot lately as I would really say that work has flooded my life and food blogging isn't my priority for the most days. I have a new food adventure which happened in the first week of last month. But then again I haven't finishing composing the entry yet.(so sorry!).

However, lets first have a first taste of this choco dip snack. Last week, I bought a Yan-yan choco dip which cost Php 32. Since I find the price expensive, I have search our local supermarket of an alternative which is much cheaper than Yan-yan. Luckily, I find the Fun-O Dippy which cost around only Php 16.

Upon opening the cup, I was slightly disappointed as the choco dip is watery and seems like it leaked in the rim. Its slightly messy when you open it actually.

Then I took a bite of the biscuits stick and luckily, it tastes like butter sticks but less the butter. However, the sticks are easily broken so instead of having a length as tall as the cup it was broken in half.

So in order for me to get it easily, I just opted to put the sticks in the lid of my lock and lock.

I thought the chocolate dip would be overly sweet and oily but I was happy to say that it taste good! It just have the right amount of sweetness and there is zero oiliness to its texture. Even if the dip is a bit watery unlike Yan yan which is creamier, I still would say that the taste quality of the chocolate dip is good.

Here are some yummy goodness!!!

So overall, I would say I would buy another bunch of this even though its chocolate dip is quite messy to eat due to its watery state. The biscuits could actually stand on its own but its better with the chocolate dip.

Bon appetit,
