First Taste: Galette Rustique from Cafe Breton

Well, last monday, my friend and I met at Trinoma. She was there to shop for our friend son's gift and also to chill out as it will be a muslim holiday for the next day. So off we meet at the baby section after choosing the perfect gift we then decided to grab some food. Since I cannot get some cash, my budget was limited to only 300 pesos. My friend was generous enough to lend me some moolah but I was too shy to grab the offer. So off we went to look for some restaurant that our pallate fancies then she just blurted out if I wanted to eat at Cafe Breton. Since I haven't eaten there yet, I excitedly agreed to her suggestion.

Happy girl. Excited to order her first food in Cafe Breton

The interior of Cafe Breton was cozy and its a kind of restaurant where you can let your hair down to chill. I thought it was a cafe at first which only offers sandwiches and coffee but boy I was wrong as they have salad, burgers and heavy crepe meals. So off I scanned the menu to order my first meal here at Cafe Breton.

The meal that caught my eyes and my friend's were Galette Rustique (Php 200) which was describe to have Smoked bacon, eggs and tomatoes on top of a crepe that stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Honestly, the smoked bacon makes it easy for us to order this meal. She and I were craving for some baconized meal that night so this is perfect to cap off our night. As for the drink, I just opted to order an iced tea (Php 60) to balance of the expected oiliness of the bacon.

The table-scape of the night.

The ladies waiting for their order.

After a few minutes of waiting, Galette Rustique was served. The smell of the smoked bacon enveloping our senses upon the arrival of our food.

Galette Rustique has a lovely plating. The presentation was mouth-watering however the serving size makes me think if this meal would make me full. Being a chubby girl you know that I love my meal sizes to satisfy me. Even if I am already trying to minimize what I eat I want to be full and satisfied as not to activate my hyper-acidity. So here I am starting to devour my ordered meal with that thought.

But boy, I was so wrong upon tasting the first bite of said meal, you will automatically taste the saltiness of the bacon combined it with the tartness of the tomato and the yummy goodness of the egg with the mozarella in between of the crepe you will automatically taste the heaviness of the meal. Its a fusion of taste where once palate will come alive and your senses will feel the satisfaction. The surprising part in the meal was that they serve lean bacon! So I was happy to eat the 3 pcs of meat without the guilt! Its not that oily as I have expected. The tomatoes are boiled and peeled of its skin. The plate was actually full of protein goodness!!! (I am already craving for this meal while writing this post! Grrr.... and I just ate dinner for heaven sake! Calm down, my tummy! Calm down!!!).

After eating 3/4 of it, I already feel full and slowly ate the remaining food. My friend didn't even finish the meal as her tummy is already super full! I told my friend that if dieting meal sizes will be this good, satisfying and heavy to the tummy then I would gladly oblige to diet!!!

I was so happy that we did choose Cafe Breton for this night to ate our dinner as I have learned that big surprises really comes from small packages! Also, size doesn't always matter as even with a simple meal you can also be satisfied and full! I would definitely be back in Cafe Breton to try their different meals and also as for my budget? I just spent Php 260 for both my meal and drink!!! Yey!!!!

Come on! Try Galette Rustique and tell me what you think!

Bon appetit,
