Dinuguan made with love

As I have said in my introduction post, food is something that binds us in our family but not just food but DELICIOUS FOOD. Even if may be at home or at a restaurant good food will always, always makes us smile and feel contented. As for our lunch, my grandmother has planned to cook "Dinuguan" as she has bought fresh ingredients for the dish. So she was already having a great morning as she has bought something for her cook time.

Dinuguan was a similar dish with Spartan Blood Stew. Yeah, I know it sound quite morbid but it indeed is yummy to the pallate. The taste of Dinuguan was something sour and salty to the taste. The texture was quite thick. Upon sipping the black soup you may eat some soft jelly like meat too. This is a dish that my grandmother loves to cook especially when she has scored fresh ingredients from the nearby market. But my grandmother can no longer stand for a long time so she always opted to sit down while preparing the ingredients for every meal that she cooks.

Here she is while she is doing the slicing of some onions, tomatoes and panigang na sili.


Then here is grandpa looking for some pans for the stew to cook into.

Yeah, they are cooking together hand in hand. That's why I am thinking that maybe food was really a big factor why grandmother and grandfather made it to their 50 years anniversary and still getting stronger by the day. Grandma loves to cook while Grandpa loves to eat! Oh I love these two! 

So after several minutes of cooking, here is the final product!

You may notice that there is no floating white pork fat in the image above as we don't put pork fat in our food. We are also not a fan of cooking Dinuguan with pig's ears so this recipe was purely lean meat which is good for those health conscious people.

So grab your rice now people and let's eat this!

Bon appetit,
